This is How Unique Japan!


Hello! Nice to meet all of you! Welcome to my blog named “How Unique Japan”!

In this blog, I would love to introduce my country (Japan)’s culture including NEW and TRADITIONAL as possible as I could!. If you are interested in some uniqueness of Japan, please take a look and follow this blog. Basically, I would upload new information in tugs which is on upside of this page.

(Smart phone version doesn’t have them. Please go to the under this article. You can click the each page.)

The reason why Japan becomes unique (My opinion)

 Japan has 48 prefectures; each area has their own unique culture as well. It seems quite busy! But how does Japan successfully keep them?

There are four reasons (in my opinion). First, Japan is surrounded by the ocean like a big island. That geographic feature has protected our country for so long (till the US came with steamboats). Then, we could hold our unique cultures without any conquerors and attacks from other countries.

 Second, it is also concerned with geography. Japan is created by great volcanic action. Thus, there are still many active mountains around Japan. (Surprisingly, Mount Fuji is active still) So, the Japanese have only 30% of habitable areas. Besides, each of them is separated so far by many mountains, hills, and big rivers.

 So, Japanese ancestors settled in left areas away from their next villages. That is why each area became individual. And they created their own and unique culture.  

 The third reason leans on history. Japan has a worthy era when our ancestors created so much uniqueness. It is called the Edo era. As you might have known, that era surprisingly lasted over 250 years (from 1603 to 1868 AC). Although, the city was a big as well as population.

 That era came after a long period of war. Thus, that time had more meaning than peace for the old Japanese Because they were finally able to enjoy their own life with enough food resources, clothes, and houses, which new lifestyle made them creative.

 The biggest and last one is about various nature/seasons in Japan. Flowers bloom in Spring, crazy and humid hot in Summer, colorful dead leaves in Autumn, and snow in Winter. They decorate our country changefully and beautifully.

 We Japanese usually get a lot of inspiration from such rich seasons. They also incubate a uniquely Japanese character (Please look at the next section, Japanese characters). In my opinion, the most affected part of the character is sympathy sense.

 But how does it work for Japanese uniqueness?

How does the sympathy sense work and create uniqueness?

 How did the sympathy sense of Japanese work and create the unique culture?
 So, I need to touch one more detail bounded strongly with the rich four seasons. That is Agriculture. It is still the main industry and has lasted since ancient times because such various Japanese seasons (weather) make it possible to grow any kind of crop in Japan.

 However, it is always a tough duty for us to get good outcomes from the industry. That is where the sympathy comes in. It means we were able to help each other and go through a hard time together. That is more than just community survival.

 Thus, we used to exchange information with no hesitation. Because ancient Japanese knew such support would reduce any risks for each other. Therefore, many unique cultures (or inventions) were born from such mixed information. That is also why many Japanese usually are kind and gentle.

 Coincidently, it could also answer another question, why do many Japanese easily observe some influences from other cultures and create uniqueness?

One other cause gave birth to the creation sense

 As it was said, observation from another is the key. Because that action needs tolerance and a gentle mind which made Japanese characters curious about anything new.
However, there is one more cause that boosted the character’s growth. It is Japan’s unique perspective on religion.

 It is because Japanese religion is always based on nature worship, for example, Shin-to.

 A long time ago, before any religion was born in Japan. The ancient Japanese made such worship. It belonged to Forest. So, they thought each object in the forest had its spirit including rivers and even stones. That is why many Japanese still and deeply believe eight million gods are around them (It is called Yaoyorozu).

 Thus, many Japanese do not hesitate to absorb new ideas or religions.

 By the way, there is also a funny fairy tale. That said, if some artificial objects are cherished for over a hundred years, they will get their souls and become alive. (It is called Tsukumo-gami).

 This is why some objects have funny faces in Japan’s cartoons. So, we love to animate soulless objects. Thus, we love anime.

They are the grounds of Japanese uniqueness and characters.

●Reason for this blog

 So, my goal is to show everyone around the world such a uniqueness and get them feel close our country. I would upload new information in the four menus that are also put on the most upside of this page, “New culture” and “Old culture”, “Unique town” and “The other uniqueness”.

“New culture (Pop culture)” and “Old culture (Traditional culture)” are separated by the event “Revolution in the Edo era”. After the event, I called it “New culture. Then, “Old culture” means before the event happened (Each pages has different kind of articles randomly). Because Japanese culture was completely and positively changed after the revolution. What contains in six menus now?

“New culture”

 Do you know “Gacha”? It is small toys in the capsules. What does it mean? Please go to Gacha (capsule toys).

 I think, my population always feel thirsty. Because there are so many machines that sell any drinks everywhere. It is called “Vending machine”. But you know? Japan has strange and unique ones. Did you get curious? Please check “Vending machine!”.

 There is no doubt that any card games are big brain games trying to get better strategies against each opponent. It is mind game not physical right? But, in Japan, Card’s fight with physical action is existed. See details in “Menko card-game!”.

 Oh, snacks… those always nearby us when we want to enjoy any TV-show or YouTube, and they always make us fill enough after eating. However, do you know small and tiny snacks In Japan. Check them out from Dagashi. Small, cheap snacks.

It is also about snacks (sweets). But can you imagine they are shaped into “FISH”? That sweet is called “Taiyaki”. If you are interested in, take a look Taiyaki (a sweet in Japan).

I think, you already know “Bonsai”, don’t you? It is really expensive gardening hobby in Japan. Because we need to prepare good soil, a pot, and equipment. But nowadays, there are more casual versions born. What do they look? Click here, Mini bonsai.

This article is about “Souvenir Jackets”. Do you know them? They look like just stadium jackets or army uniforms. But they are more gorgeous! Take a look this!

Beigoma… Everyone loves competition. It is baseball, basketball, soccer, cricket, and a spinning top. Wait. Tops? Yes. Japanese (especially boys) used to play/compete with their opponents using the spinning tops. On a small stage, they fought by hitting each other.

Hanko (the stamp) … In Japan, any business contract is always done with STAMPS, not sign. Why do we Japanese use it? Click and Check here.

Kotatsu table … In winter, some Japanese used to warm themselves with this unique table. Let’s see details!

Obon season …Every summer, we Japanese welcome the deceased people we love. See the details of what we amuse them during the season they stay.

Japanese lifestyle … If you want to know some Japanese unique lifestyle, it could be satisfaction you want. Check some interesting manner/sports/events here!

“Old culture”

 There are enormous and varied styles of dolls. Can you imagine the doll which has one beg face on the round body that is like just a red rubber boll? Even, that doll means “Lucy charm”. What is it? Please go to Daruma.

 Few… I got sweat. Let use a towel. Oh? No towel? Ok let use “Tenugui” instead. Wait. What is it? Let go to Tenugui (a seat of cloth).

 How do you call and order your people to come? Say “Come! Come!” with beckoning right? There is a cat doll expressing the same action. It is “Beckoning cat”. However, this cat doesn’t call his friends. He tried to invite “Lucky fortune”. Do you want more details? Please read this page. Beckoning Cat (Maneki neko).

Samurai. It became really famous. But, do you know that unique hairstyle they took? Please take a look this page, Mage. Japan’s topknot.

They are traditional Japanese socks. But wait. The shape is a little strange. You want to know why? Please take a look, Tabi (Japanese shoes) page.

This is the lion that works for gods in Japan. He prays our good fortune and health. Wait a minute. Looks so different. Why? Moreover, it works with gods? Take a look that detail, “Lion dance, Shi shi mai”.

Enjoying sightseeing, watching animals in a zoo are good activities. How about goldfish? In Japan, watching goldfish is also good relaxing one. Take a look details of Gold fish in Japan.

Do you know? There are so many emblems in Japan. Just normal citizens are allowed to keep each one as our own. Why? Please take a look at the page, Kamon Japanese emblems.

The soccer game is respectful and worldwide game that is from UK. However, Japan has a similar game named “Kemari”. Take a look at this. Kemari, Japanese soccer.

You might have seen the green seats from grass in the living room in the old style in Japan. It is Tatami (seat). Why are they made from plants? Take a look here! Tatami seat!

Irori (Japanese fireplace). Everybody will feel cozy when they are close to a fireplace. However, we Japanese don’t have it in each house due to its structure.
Instead, we used to have a small pit filled with ash in the middle of the living room in old time.
It is Irori, working with several purposes, for example, heating and cooking. Click here for more details.

Carp streams (Koinobori). Everyone around each country should have a festival or celebration event for their kid’s healthy growth

Yes. Japan also has a special day called Kid’s Day (Kodomo no hi). Its feature is CARP (flags) flowing through the sky. Why do we raise the flags for the celebration?

Click here!

The bell in Japanese temples… The Japanese temples have a bell like a church. However, it is a little bit different. See the details and how it works for us.

Shintoism … Some people still misunderstand that Buddhism is Japanese religion. If you are one of them, please check it and figure it out how different from another one.

What is the Edo era? … Some Japanese uniqueness was born in the time. Economics, society, and fashion, everything should be catchy. Take a look!

And we also have more contents about Japanese unique religion. Check them too please.

Now we have…

Buddhism in Japan, and Amaterasu Omikami.

 “Unique town”

  It is a little tough for foreigners to go to any country sides of Japan. Because they are far from city side having the convenient trance potations. Please do not worry. There is a good countryside where is really worth to visit and close to the city. That is Japan’s shopping mall in old time was quite nostalgic. Because there are few amounts of it existed now. No chance to experience them? Please check “Hanno Area”.

  Japan’s shopping mall in old time was quite nostalgic. Because there are few amounts of it existed now. No chance to experience them? Please check “About Yanaka area”.

I’m surprised at the town. Because it is UNIQE so far. It has many used clothes shops for youth, party goods, even pubs? …I can’t explain with my poor English. Just take a look this page about the town. “Shimokitasawa town”!

I think, you know Japan is small country. However, we have HUGE parks where we can enjoy any outside activities. Please take a look one of them! That is “Showa memorial park!”.

There are so many unique shops that are based on craftsman’s skill! Even, location of the mall is also interesting! Take a look! Unique mall “2K540”!

“Another uniqueness”  

Japan also has many kinds of unique plants and flowers for example “Cherry”. But there is still interesting plants/flowers. So I think, it could be worth to introduce “Japanese Hydrangea” here. Do you like flowers? Check them please. “Japanese Hydrangea”,

“Sumo wrestling! “

I can say that it is the most famous and traditional sport / martial arts in Japan. As you can imagine, there is a lot of uniqueness in it. If you are interested in, please take a look this page.

“Japanese Food”

 Are you interested in unique food or products in Japan? In this section, I would introduce some Unique Japanese food. Now, I have…

“Daikon (White radish)” … This is really common agricultural products in Japan. They really used in multiple way and menus. Drying, boiling for stew, or grating is also good ways! Check it out!

“Azuki (red beans)” … Do you know that many Japanese sweets contain the bean instead of sweet cream or sugar? Trust me, the bean has really good taste which well boiled with less sugar than the cream. Please take a look!

What is “Taiyaki”? … This is a famous sweet in Japan. However, a little strange. Because it forms FISH! Could you imagine the sweet which has Azuki inside, but the outlook is a fish? let’s figure it out more details.

Japanese pickles…It is one of the common ways to keep food around the world. It’s Pickling. However, the Japanese pickles (called Tsukemono) have varied (so much) because of the number of vegetable kinds. Seriously, any vegetable would be tasty pickles in Japan.
Take a look at the article about that, if you want.

Fermented food… Japanese have managed to store food products with unique methods. It is one such storing technique. It is Fermenting.
So, the old Japanese successfully utilized some fungi or bacteria/oryzae to keep the food edible. However, the method also produces more nutrition.
Check them out here!