Azuki (red beans)

 Hello! It is How Unique Japan! How is it going everybody?

 Today, I will introduce one of the most famous and traditional Japanese foods. It is called Azuki (red beans). They are usually used in many of Japan’s menus, especially sweets. That has a long history. The record says the food was imported from China around 3 AC (!!). Since then, they have been “Be-loved” vegetables among all Japanese.

 So, where do Japanese farmers grow them?

Where do they grow?

 Azuki is a Vigna species that loves to live in volcanic soil because it needs CO2 to activate the fungus attached to its roots. So, such a fungus creates “nitrogen” for the Azuki. (The best temperature of the soil is from 20 to 25 degrees.)

 That is why the main supplying area is the northern area of Japan, which is Hokkaido prefecture because That area contains the most percentage of volcanic soil.

Positive affection on health

 Then, what positive affection can we get when we eat them? Surprisingly, it has multiple positiveness on our health. For example, they have Vitamin B1 to recover their stamina. Plus, they contain many Dietary fibers. That means they can work for constipation.
 They also have more Polyphenols than regular plants. It is well known as an “antiaging” component. And this is not yet. They also have Saponin and Potassium, both can work for our blood arteries (for example, Arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure).

 Thus, they are called healthy food. Even Oil is not used when they need to be cooked. Just boiling is necessary.
 Wow, they have many good affections for us. So, what kinds of menus are popular in Japan? And what is the most common way to eat them?

Popular menus 


 It is a very popular traditional sweet. Their ingredients are similar to Pancake but formed like Fish (Sea bream) that have the sweetened and boiled Azuki inside. But why fish?

 If you want to know, please check this!


 It is just a rice cake. But it got the sweetened Azuki inside. So, we can taste a well-sticky texture and a refreshing (not oily) sweet taste. It is one of the most famous sweets in Japan, which has such a perfect combination. Even though, there are many variations of tastes now.

“Anpan (Azuki bread)”

 It is a rounded bread that contains sweetened Azuki inside. This type of bread is famous. It even became animated. BTW, the texture is good. The soft bread outside makes tasty harmony with Azuki inside.

To Close

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 OK. Then, See you all of my dear readers for next article!!
