
old spinning top

Hello! Everyone! It is the blog How Unique Japan to popularize some Japanese uniqueness.
This time, I would like to introduce a traditional Japanese toy. It is like a spinning top. However, the toy has a battle/competing system.

It is called Beigoma.

Yes. It is the spinning top that strangely lacks the top for spinning.

How to play?

Can you get it on how to play/spin the toy? There is no device to make them spin, only a line. So, the player needs to wrap around with it.

As you can see from the picture, wrapping with a line is difficult. Besides, the player needs to shoot the Beigoma on a stage made of a bucket or pot covered tightly with a piece of sheet (lubber or straw).

I am sorry. The difficulty is not over yet. Do you remember that I said it is a competition playing?

So, there should be at least two players competing who would be the last survivor (whose toy would be the last one spinning on the stage) with a hit and an attack against the opponent’s spinning top. The material of the Beigoma makes the match more exciting as well. The spinning top is cast metal. Thus, it sounds heavy when it hits against the opponent’s one.

Then, what is the price if someone wins? It is simple. The winner can take the Beigoma from opponents. It is the rules and how to play with Beigoma.

The history

The origin is ancient. A historical theory says it was born during the Heian era (from 794 AC to 1180 AC).
At that time, the game was only for children with loyal crass. So, it was the playing in high society. However, they did not use the metal. Interestingly, they made the toy with a shell. Please take a look at the picture.

It is named Bai shellfish. That is a popularly edible shell although it has a weak poison (neurotoxin). Do not worry. If you carefully cut the salivary glands, it is harmless.

So, the ancient Japanese utilized the shape as a toy/spinning top filling soil or sand.
The name Beigoma came from this shell. When it became a popular game, it was called Bai-goma from the Bai shellfish. As time passed, it changed into the name.

We can modify them!

The other advantage of catching the children’s heart is that. We can customize them to whatever the player wants with any method. Those methods would sometimes be rubbing the cast iron to get them right. On the other hand, we can add weight with melted candle wax or lead.
Such flexibility well charmed the children. They competed for originality, not only game records.

The popularity of the Beigoma didn’t stop yet. Have you seen the anime series “Beyblade”? (If you don’t know, please search with this name). Two or more players use the shooter device to launch the spinning top on a stage. It is the Beyblade.

Indeed. The idea came from the Beigoma. However, the modern spinning top became more complicated, like a strategy/brain game.

First of all, it has so many parts to modify. It would be over 300th parts for customization. (I visited the Beyblade site and tried to count. I quit due to the crazy numbers of them).

So, the player can change the height, weight, and power of rotating from a modified combination.

It is the modern Beigoma game now.

To close

This time, I tried to explain the traditional toy that is still on. But there are many other toys yet. It is indeed the tip of the iceberg. We also have topics, Menko card game, and Kemari (looks like soccer lifting). If you are interested in that uniqueness (not only toys), come and look at my blog.

You might find another catchy article.

Thank you so much for reading this page. Be curious and search for joy! See you for the next article!