Beckoning cat (Maneki neko)


Hello! This is HUJ (How Unique Japan) again! This time, let me ask you first. Have you played the game “Stray” already? If you haven’t, I strongly recommend you to do so! Then, did some of you who have done notice that there were some unique cat dolls?
They are colored gold and raise their hands like they are about scratching on the face. Those dolls are well famous in Japan. That is called “Maneki Neko”. In English, Beckoning cat (Google translation). So, this time, I’m going to explain what it is.

The meaning of beckoning cat

Why does the cat raise its right/left hand? It expresses calling some good from far away, like somebody inviting their friends with waving hands. Probably, the cat also says Common! We are here!
The good it tries to call is good luck.
When the cat raises the right hand, that means to invite money. If it raises the left hand, it says customers. Interestingly, if the doll raises both hands, it is Greedy.

So then, the dolls that raise just one hand naturally are loved by many Japanese as the famous lucky charm.

The history

Nobody knows the exact time when it was born or even the location. By the theory (or fairy tale), it was born in the Edo era (1603AC – 1868AC).

The theory says an elderly and kind woman was living with a cat. She took care well and loved her like her daughter. But, one day, such a poor woman couldn’t keep her any longer because of the poverty. She (very) unwillingly gave the cat to her friend.
One night after this, the woman dreamed that the cat called her and said “Do not worry about your poverty. Make some cat dolls like me. If you do, you will get good money and luck!”. After the dream, she followed the order and sold some. Soon after, such a product became famous as the Lucky Charm Cat.

About the color

There are three major types of colored cats. They are black, red, and calico cats. It is interesting because there is a well-known fact that the black cat is an ominous/unlucky symbol.
However, in Japan, people believe that a black cat has a strong sixth sense (in a good way). Thus, the beckoning cat has the black-colored type.

How about red? The color means good health and long life.
That is concerned with a bad history of smallpox in Japan. In the Edo era, the Japanese had a tough time dealing with such a virus.
In such an old time, people believed an evil spirit caused the epidemic. Also, they trusted that evil would hate the “Red” color. Therefore, the color expresses “Protection for good health and long life”. It is the reason that the color is on the beckoning cat.

The last one is the calico/white cat. It is the most basic color for the cat in Japan. But why?
It relates to the genetic mechanism of real cats. Most all-white cats are female.
If there are 1000 white cats, the “Male” would be only one or nearly zero (the ratio is 1000/1!!). Then, the male white cat is supposed great luck. That is why that color is on the beckoning cat.

*Additionally, the gold-colored cat in the game “Stray” means good fortune for the money.


They are about the Beckoning cat. However, it is not yet. There are still unique cats. Sometimes, the collaboration with different characters, even size.

If you would come to Japan, please check around you. You would find some cats waving hands with costumes whatever.
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Now, see you for the next one, and be safe everyone! 
