Hanno Area

Hi! IT is How Unique Japan! Today, I would love to introduce Hanno area. You haven’t known that yet? Let me be your guide today.

  It is a little bit far from the city side of Tokyo. If you like to walk around nature, it is my recommendation. (In detail, the area is in Saitama prefecture that is next to Tokyo.)

  How do we get there? Basically, we need to take the train system. It would take approximately 1 hour and half from Tokyo. (In fact, it depends on which kind of train you would take. For example, if you take a bullet train, it would be much quicker.)

 Yes. That is a little bit far. But it is really worth going.

  Why? Because every beautiful site is close to the station. For example, A big river is close, as well as, a small mountain that’s named “Tenran Mountain”. The mountain has a great view, and a beautiful temple “Nonin-ji” on the bottom. You should be able to walk around there easily.   

 OK. Such a boring briefing about the area should be enough! Please follow my journey with much more understandable pictures!

 This time, I went to the mountain from the station. After then, I took a look at such a big river as well.

   It is FINE DAY! Let’s walk around!

The Hanno station

That station has two ext. North one and South one. I got off from North one. (the picture was taken from South, because of the its nice view.)

That is the picture of the main road’s entrance. While you walk around there, you should pay attention both sides of the road. You could find some retro cafes, grocery stores, toy shops or kimono (Japanese traditional cloth) shops.

For example…

This is a beauty salon.
Of course, you can go up to 2nd floor.




–Alright! I arrived at the bottom of the mountain that means, I visited the Temple!–

Nonin-ji (temple)

Look at this! It is quite old Japanese style, isn’t it?
Both sides of the gate have 2 big statues on left and right. This is the left side and…
The right side!
After pass the gate, I saw the beautiful and clam road to the main temple. I was really lucky that I got very fine day.

It is gorgeous! If you have a chance to come here you should take a look temple’s inside. There are luxurious objects too. (I couldn’t take a picture! Because I hadn’t had the permission! SORRY!!)

That was good sightseeing, wasn’t it?

OK, take a progress to the mountain! The entrance was in fact just next to the temple. There is a grocery and Slovenia stores section too. That named OH!!



OH!!! (Cafe and local grocery store)

I went to one of the section’s stores that named Yawataya. It is well designed. Sun lights directly illuminate inside of the shop. That grocery store/café accepts flesh products that was created by localists. They are basically vegetables, some Japanese seasoning like soy-source, and various kinds of pickles. (Additional fact! Japan has so many kinds of pickles!). I also enjoyed the lunch there.

Oh! Sorry!! I almost spent too much time! Let go out of the store and continue our journey!



Tenran-zan (mountain)

It is the entrance!

Phew… It is a little steep… But not so long! And, the surprising and beautiful sight was waiting for me! It was…




See? They are preciously beautiful, aren’t they? Those Buddhism statues were established over 300years ago! In that time, we were in Edo-era time.

I felt it was hard to recognize where each statue is located. Because, they are well blended with mountain view.

The number of statues is officially sixteenth. That is why those are named “Sixteenth Rakan statues”. Rakan means, the apprentice of Buddha.

Do you enjoy that? If you say YES, I am too happy for sharing my view.




I finally arrived at the top! To be honest, the mountain height is only 197m. But despite of that, the view is good!

Phew! OK! Let get out from mountain area, and our final destination would be the river side!



Hanno river

The way to the river would be simple. I needed to go back to the entrance of the temple. Then, walk straight. Even, some big maps are placed several places, for example, a park which is in front of the temple’s gate.

This is the sign board standing at the entrance.

I arrived! Let see around! … It is…

Like this!! In this area, everybody is of cause able to enjoy BBQ. Don’t get drunk too much! He he!

To close

That is all my Hanno journey. I really enjoyed, sightseeing, eating local food, even I got spiritual experience near by the Buddhism statues.

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See you again! And please wait next posting!!
