Japanese Food!

Hello again! This is How unique Japan!

In this section, I would love to introduce “Japanese food!” as many kinds as I could! So, there is no doubt that Japan has so many unique kinds of food that are definitely worth trying!

BTW, why does Japan have those? In the front page, I have already written about the reason a little. There are 2 reasons.

First, the Japanese main product is vegetables. Eating any meat (except fish) was forbidden for so long by religion (Buddhism). Thus, our main food became rice and them.

 However, Japan is just a long island from North to South. That means, the products that citizens can safely grow are differed because of the weather and soil conditions in each area. For example, around the North part, they can have “Daikon (Japanese white radish)”, and “Potato”, because they are just tough for coldness.

 And around the South part, they can have “Eggplant”,” Tomato” or “Green soy beans”. So, that is why each area created original and unique menu based on such a featured product. (All of them are just few examples).

 Besides, such a long island also creates rich 4 seasons. They have been impressing All Japanese with such a nature beauty. Thus, many traditional / ancient artists, dancers, even chefs always try to express those. This is the second reason.

“Wagashi (Japanese traditional sweets)” is a good example. This one above expresses the flowers blooming on the Spring in Japan.

By those reasons, Japan has successfully created many kinds of vegetables (food) and also, menus from them.

 Then, let’s take a look how many articles about Japanese food there!

the articles of Japanese food

“White radish, Daikon”

 They are surprisingly used in very multiple menu! For example, “Miso supe”, “Oden supe” even, “granted”. So, it is really “Be loved” vegetable in Japan! Let’s see some details about it more!

“Red bean, Azuki”

 Many traditional Japanese sweets have them inside. For example, “Taiyaki”, and “Daifuku”. They are not just red beans, but they have so many positive components for our health! Let’s take a look a little more about “Azuki”!

What is “What is “Taiyaki”?

It is one of the most popular sweets in Japan. Looks exactly fish. They have azuki beans inside though.

Why did they become like fish? Plese take a look!

Thank you so much for reading this page! If you are interested in more Japanese information, please feel free to visit my front page!
