Japanese Hydrangea

 There is no doubt about Japanese cherry (Sa ku ra) is famous. But let me ask you that do you know about Japanese hydrangea, which is called “A ji sa i” in that country. I think that flower is kind of one uniqueness of Japan. Because it is of course beautiful / gorgeous and its color varies.

During rainy season, they are ea

 Those flowers bloom every rainy season (from June to July, it is called “Tsu yu” in my country). They really make our eyesight fun and relaxed.

 But, why are those flower’s colors so different? The secret is “PH value”. their color is really affected by the value that is in any land like PH test paper.

If the land has acid value more than the other, the flower color would be blue.

The red means they glow up in the land which has more alkali value.

The blue has more acid value than the others.
The red one has more alkali value than the others.
Its forms are varied too.

So then, how about the white? That means, such flowers don’t have pigment. They don’t get any effect from the land. 

 We (Japanese) really enjoyed those flowers as a limited time fun. If you plan to visit our country around the rainy season. I recommend you to walk around a big park or any roads (It is everywhere, to be honest). But, please be careful. In Japan during the rainy season, it is really humid and the weather easily changes. It is like 5 minutes ago, it was fine, but it got so rainy.

 Thank you very much for reading this article! I’d be glad if you enjoyed it. If you have any questions or comments, please leave on this blog!
