Kotatsu table

Hello again! It is the blog How Unique Japan to televise some Japanese information!

Today, I would love to introduce a common Japanese way to preserve coldness. Nowadays, we can get many heating equipment to protect us – for example, air conditioners, and oil staves.

Of course, Japan has some unique equipment for the winter seasons. However, it looks a little odd.
Have you seen a small square table with a thick cloth on it? (Please see the picture below.)

Many Japanese people used this heating equipment/table in the old times as a smooth family-ship proofing, not only for warming.

It is the Kotatsu table.

What is the Kotatsu table?

On the front page, I briefly explained that Japanese love to be gathered or teamed to help each other because our society leans on the quality of how each group, team, or company is well organized. It is due to the main product in Japan being agriculture to survive.   

Thus, family bonds became important. It was inevitable for Japanese people to keep good and smooth around their (family) relationship, whereas the Kotatsu table was in.

This warming equipment/table allows us to face our parents, sisters, or brothers (sometimes guests) whenever they want to be warm.

The table has become a tool for better family bonding/relationships.

The history of Kotatsu

This unique table already existed around the Muromachi era (1336-1573. Clear time is unclear).

The origin was quite simple. After the fireplace called Irori (an old style of fireplace. It was usually in the middle of the room.) got weak, the ancient Japanese covered it with much ash and set a scaffold that allowed them to put their feet on it for warming.

During the Edo era, they got the idea to keep them warm more effectively. It was to cover the scaffold with a blanket, making it look similar to the modern one. It was called “Yagura (small scaffold) kotatsu ”.

The invention of the unique table hasn’t stopped yet.

When it was in the Meiji era, the unique style of the Kotatsu was born.
It was “Hori go(ko)tatsu.”
Oddly, this kotatsu table is on the square pit created through the ground floor.

There is a hole under the table

So, we can sit down on the sides of the pit like chairs and cover ourselves with the blanket. It made us more comfortable because it allowed us to put our feet in a relaxing position.


Surprisingly, this idea was from a British gentleman named Bernard Howell Leach (1887-1979). While he had acted as an artist in Japan, he found it hard to sit and relax with the Kotasu (As if he was taller than the average Japanese in the Meiji era?).

Then, he advanced the previous type with the Japanese architects, becoming one option for modern houses.

The energy source altering also helped it. In this era, the Kotatsu used coal or charcoal for heating. It allowed such a unique construction possible.

Thanks to Mr. Bernard. He made the Kotatsu more familiar and touchable for everyone.
So now, there are a lot of types available. For example, we can buy large sizes and little ones, even a table size. Some people would order their new house with a floor and a square pit for warming.

The table size is cute.

Please try to put the word “Kotatsu” on the internet. You will be surprised that it has many pictures (I have tried).

To close

As it said, we can now choose how to keep warm. However, I would like to focus on this table because it works as an improvement of relationships.

And, there shall be another catchy, the Irori fireplace. It is even a Japanese traditional house equipment from ancient times. If you are interested, click here!

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