Mini Bonsai

Bonsai picture

 Good day everybody! It is How Unique Japan!

 This time, I would like to talk about Mini-Bonsai. You might have heard of Bonsai art, haven’t you? It is a traditional Japanese gardening art that is still popular. Why does it interact with so many people?

Why is the bonsai art popular?

 The reason is that they are just stunningly beautiful and wild because artists of Bonsai always express the rich four seasons in Japan with such a small and expensive pot. It is for sightseeing enjoyment. Thus, they plant a tree that could bloom or bear flute seasonally. But trees would naturally grow more than the pod size quickly.

 How do they keep the tree small/mobile size?

 So, they tied a baby tree with iron lines to limit its growth. It sounds easy. However, the bonsai artists need to adjust the length of each branch with some tools (scissors, rulers).

 It is delicate. That is why I said wild.
Besides, the growth enough to enjoy takes a long and enormous time. Approximately, it would be between two and three years old (it depends on the size). Which means it always becomes expensive. It is the Bonsai art.

Then, Mini-Bonsai

 But, nowadays, there are some more casual Bonsai arts than the original ones, have become very popular. It is also called Koke dama, which could be translated as Moss ball directly. That is like a Bonsai tree in a miniature version. The big difference is that it does not use expensive pots and soil. Instead of them, it uses Moss.

It is really cute enjoyment.

Why it cheap?

 So, it is much cheaper than the original because that cost doesn’t include a pot and soil. As the picture shows, they are already set up (fully grown), although it is small. So, we don’t need to buy some equipment.
So, that is why it is cheap.

How and when do we water them?

 It is different in each/vary plant. However, they need sunlight appropriately. Then, they should be on the window frame at least every two or three days. And the ventilation is one more factor in keeping them healthy. They hate the closed space where any wind cannot go through.

 So, the best area they can live in is where the sunlight and wind come (but not straight).
How about watering? The sign they need it is simple. You can hold it up and check its weight. If you feel it right, it may say I am hungry, please. So, next, you need to prepare a bucket/pail or bowl with water and sink it (under part of a moss ball). After ten minutes, they shall feel satisfied.

The latest style

 For these reasons, there are many kinds of Mini-Bonsai. Some of them are not Japanese plants but different kinds (For example, a banyan tree). If you are interested in them, try to type Bonsai moss ball. You would get surprisingly much information!

They are from 2000 Japanese yen to 5000 yen approximately. (By the size).

 Thank you for reading this article! I couldn’t say thanks enough! If you want to more unique Japanese things, feel free to search from the front page of my blog!

 Kind Regards and See you for next article!!
