Old Culture!

Hi! This is How Unique Japan! Thank you for reading my blog.   

 In this section, I would love to introduce many traditional products. They are basically before the Meiji era that is previous of the Edo era. It is random that means, this page has many kinds of products, for example, toys, snacks, even clothes. 

The reason for separation New and Traditional

 Why did I separate Japan’s culture into traditional and new? It is because of the big differences (changes) after the revolution which happened in the Edo era. So, since the black ship (the Westerner’s ship that asked Japan to be open) came, everything changed including values, philosophical thinking and religion. It is the reason for separation.

What is in this section?

 There are enormous and varied styles of dolls. Can you imagine the doll which has one beg face on the round body that is like just a red rubber boll? Even, that doll means “Lucy charm”. What is it? Please go to Daruma.

 Few… I got sweat. Let use a towel. Oh? No towel? Ok let use “Tenugui” instead. Wait. What is it? Let go to Tenugui (a seat of cloth).

 How do you call and order your people to come? Say “Come! Come!” with beckoning right? There is a cat doll expressing the same action. It is “Beckoning cat”. However, this cat doesn’t call his friends. He tried to invite “Lucky fortune”. Do you want more details? Please read this page. Beckoning Cat (Maneki neko).

Samurai. It became really famous. But, do you know that unique hairstyle they took? Please take a look this page, Mage. Japan’s topknot.

They are traditional Japanese socks. But wait. The shape is a little strange. You want to know why? Please take a look, Tabi (Japanese shoes) page.

This is the lion that works for gods in Japan. He prays our good fortune and health. Wait a minute. Looks so different. Why? Moreover, it works with gods? Take a look that detail, “Lion dance, Shi shi mai”.

Enjoying sightseeing, watching animals in a zoo are good activities. How about goldfish? In Japan, watching goldfish is also good relaxing one. Take a look details of Gold fish in Japan.

Do you know? There are so many emblems in Japan. Just normal citizens are allowed to keep each one as our own. Why? Please take a look at the page, Kamon Japanese emblems.

The soccer game is respectful and worldwide game that is from UK. However, Japan has a similar game named “Kemari”. Take a look at this. Kemari, Japanese soccer.

Why did many Japanese easily accept the Westerner’s culture?

 Probably, you would think “why did they accept the different idea?”. It should be easy. We (Japanese) don’t hesitate to observe new ideas. Japan is surrounded by the sea though.

 For example, Japanese letters/characters. You might have known that our words are from China. After we, Japanese, observed the words system, we invented some new form of it, for example, Katakana, and Hiragana.

 In fact, religion in Japan follows the same way. Long time ago, we used to believe in our own religion that is called “Shin to (In straight translation, it is God way)”. After Buddhism came (it is from China too), it quickly became popular. It sounds funny, doesn’t it?

“The goal for my blog”

 The purpose and goal for my blog is that Get everyone around the world to feel close to Japan’s culture. So, I would upload more article about Japan as possible as I could! If you are interested in our culture, please feel free to visit my front page!

 Thank you so much for reading this article! See you for next one!
