Sumo Wrestling!

two sumo wrestlers

 Hello! How are you, everyone? It is How Unique Japan!
 This time, let me ask you first. What do you think about Japan? Samurai? Manga? or Ninja? If you answered like Sumo, I am happy with it because I’m about to share my knowledge with you through this section.

 So, this time, I will touch on the traditional sport in Japan the Sumo Westling, with its history, rules, and penalties.

When is it born?

 I said it is traditional. But how old is that? In the history record called “Koziki (ancient historical record)”, the sumo article is already in it.

 Surprisingly, that record was written 712 AC! The record said, two sumo fighters fought in front of the higher people like majesty / emperor. Since then, such a fight has become a ritual. The purpose of the ritual (Sumo Westling) is “Praying for the god to give us good outcomes”, mainly good harvest season.

The rules

 Therefore, that unique sport/martial arts became very official. So, all sumo wrestlers need to be gentle and calm (not emotional like the wrestlers from W〇F). Thus, it is a bad habit to show any emotional pose, for example, a victory pose and shouting. It is like being quiet while the tennis game is inevitable.

 There are also many unique rules in Sumo wrestling. The feature of Sumo Westling is that there is no sign to start the match. However, there is a man like a referee between the wrestlers. (I wrote about him on another page. His job name is Gyoji).

 So then, who would say Begin? Oddly, the timing of the start match is really up to wrestlers. When both wrestlers put their fists on the ring like touching, it is the sign to start.

 That timing is named Tachiai (Standing each other). Thus, timing to start the match could be the key to how they take better advantage against opponents.

He stands between them.

 So then, how to win??

 It is when they push/pull out their opponents from the ring or take down the opponents. It gives a victory. But this sport is not about just pushing or pulling.

 The details are,

  1. If somewhere of opponent’s body touches the ring, (Except soles), he means lose the match.
  2. While the match, if the belt (mawashi) loses off, it also means lose.

 Thus, I can say Sumo, instead of just a pushing & pulling game, is a wild sport because anywhere of the body can not touch the ground. Just SOLE.


There are of course (Penalties) for the match. It is basically 8 penalties.

  1.  Do not hit the opponent with a fist.
  2.  Choke is forbidden.
  3.  Do not hit weak points like eyes.
  4.  Do not slap their ears.
  5.  Do not grab the hair.
  6.  Kicking is forbidden (However, Hocking the foot against their leg is allowed).
  7.  Do not break their fingers.
  8.  (It is funny), do not grab the vertical position of the Mawashi belt.
OMG! This is bad!

 They are the main penalties. All wrestlers fight the match by following and respecting these rules.

More of the Sumo

 Thank you so much for reading this article! I couldn’t say it enough! This time, I wrote about just Sumo’s simple history and rules. BUT! There is much more uniqueness in the Sumo Westling.

 Now, we have other articles. They are about…

● Shiko Squat … It is one of the important movements like squat. 

● Gyoji. Sumo wrestling ref … The referee in Sumo wrestling is tough job. Taka a look!   

So, I’m going to upload another article separately. If you got interested in my Sumo page, please follow this blog.

 I also have varied information of Japanese uniqueness for example toys, foods, and town. If you are also curious about them, feel free to visit my blog (front page).

